Liposuction in Boca Raton

Liposuction is a versatile plastic surgery procedure that removes excess fat from specified aspects of the body. Plastic Surgery Specialists of Boca Raton is pleased to supply this popular treatment to patients who need to firm and tone troublesome elements of the body. Liposuction, also referred to as lipoplasty, can be performed by itself or within a comprehensive body contouring treatment, which could include other procedures such as tummy tuck, arm lift, and more.

More about Liposuction in Boca Raton
Liposuction can help patients achieve their ideal physique by removing excess fat from some body areas, like the stomach, thighs, arms, neck, back, knees, and buttocks. While the procedure can produce noticeable results, it's not designed to substitute for healthy eating and exercise habits, or weight reduction surgery. Instead, this procedure is intended to provide the finishing touches for patients who're already at or near their ideal weight. Dr. Rafael Cabrera, M.D., is an experienced Boca Raton liposuction specialist who can help patients determine if the treatment is right for them. Along with offering traditional Boca Raton Cool-sculpting, he also offers non-invasive liposuction options such for example, laser liposuction. Dr. Cabrera works together with each patient individually to determine their aesthetic needs and goals, and provide the treatment they have to achieve them. Because every patient is different, the price of liposuction can vary. We urge interested patients to get hold of Dr. Cabrera for a personalized consultation.

Are You a Good Liposuction Candidate?
Liposuction can help Boca Raton, FL patients achieve their ideal figure, fit within their clothes better, remove those last stubborn pounds of fat, and enhance their self-esteem. Dr. Cabrera's Patients who're well-suited with this procedure include folks who:

Liposuction Procedure
Liposuction surgery can differ greatly concerning the number and type of areas being treated, as well as the precise type of liposuction technique being performed. During traditional liposuction, cosmetic surgeon specialist Dr. Cabrera injects a saline solution to the donor area to really make the fat easier to remove from the body. In order to take away the fat, a number of small incisions are made in order that thin suctioning tubes, referred to as cannulas, can be inserted just underneath the skin's surface. These cannulas break down and suction fat cells out of the body. Once this really is complete, the incisions are closed, and the recovery process can begin.

Schedule a Liposuction Consultation
Liposuction is a favorite procedure that may drastically transform a patient's silhouette, helping patients to feel convenient and confident in their own skin. Plastic Surgery Specialists of Boca Raton is focused on using only the newest and safest liposuction technology to make certain safe, effective results for several patients. To learn more about liposuction in Boca Raton, contact their practice today to schedule a comprehensive consultation with Dr. Rafael C. Cabrera.
